Drying Capacity Calculator Program for Paddy Using Sun Drying and Flatbed Drying Methods


  • Catherine Samson Central Luzon State University
  • Reina Joy Rome Central Luzon State University
  • Nemesio Macabale Jr. Central Luzon State University




Program Calculator, Drying Capacity, Sun Drying, Flatbed Drying


Studies have been conducted on developing software programs and applications using C language to simulate drying methods particularly in paddy rice. However, these studies focused on the design and simulation of different drying parameters using specific drying methods. Therefore, this project developed a software program calculator as a simple tool on calculating the drying capacity using sun drying and flatbed drying methods. The study used four target moisture content to calculate the drying capacity based on different input parameters on each drying method. Results revealed that the higher the desired moisture content of paddy, the higher the drying capacity obtained in both sun drying and flatbed drying methods. In terms of drying time, result showed that the longer the drying time, the lower the drying capacity of paddy in both drying methods. Furthermore, it was concluded that the program calculator was able to calculate the final weight, drying weight loss, drying time and drying capacity of paddy in both sun drying and flatbed drying methods.

Author Biographies

Catherine Samson, Central Luzon State University

Master of Science in Agricultural Engineering Student

Reina Joy Rome, Central Luzon State University

Master of Science in Agricultural Engineering Student

Nemesio Macabale Jr., Central Luzon State University

Director of Information System Institute of the Central Luzon State University


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