Microbial Identification and Population Successions in the Novel Carabao Hydrolysis Pretreatment of Agriculture Crops Lignocelluloses Intended for Cellulose Ethanol Production


  • Perla Florendo PCC AT CLSU




Carabao, anaerobes, rumen bacteria, rumen fungi, rumen protozoa, pretreatment process


This study was conducted with the objective to elucidate physical, chemical and microbial changes in carabao rumen fluid hydrolysis of bagasses of sweet sorghum and sugarcane, corn stover and rice straw. Identification of microbial species, composition of populations and succession behavior at durations of 3, 6, and 9days of the carabao novel process were determined using API20A kit for anaerobes, spectrophotometry and compound microscopy. Efficiency of microbial conversion of carbohydrates into soluble sugars, pH changes in hydrolysates were determined at various durations. Hydrolysis initial pH 6.98 was reduced at durations of 3 days, 6 days and 9 days while significant pH variations were feedstock related, lowest in sugarcane(pH 4.91) sweet sorghum(pH 5.46), corn stover(pH 5.72) and near neutral in rice straw(pH 6.56). Carabao rumen fluid hydrolysis conversion efficiency was significantly improved in biomass with moderate amount of soluble extractives (p<0.05). Highest carbohydrates conversion efficiency was sweet sorghum (66.49%), corn stover (52.43%), sugarcane (52.12%), and rice straw (39.28%). Duration of 6 days had improved carbohydrates conversion efficiency average of 55.02%. Morphology and physiochemical characterizations of strains within bacterial groups Clostridium, Bacteroidetes, Streptococcus, Actinomyces, Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus and  Staphylococcus, rumen fungi species Ruminomyces, Orpinomyces and Neocallimastix and various protozoa of the family Ophryoscolocedae and Isotrichia revealed diversity of the noval carabao. Changes in microbial composition, growth, and succession behavior of bacteria, fungi and protozoa were implications of synergy that includes complementation and resilience in the carabao rumen fluid hydrolysis. This is the first study on the microbial community of the novel carabao intended for cellulose ethanol production. Information generated will be of great help in the selection of microbes that can convert lignocellulose wastes into soluble sugars with higher efficiency for the upscaling of the hydrolysis of agriculture wastes as alternative feedstock for cellulose ethanol production.


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